Tuesday 25 March 2014

Testing Times

My legs still feel like I'm wearing concrete legwarmers after the weekend's exertions, but I haven't got much time to recover before the first sportive of the year - the Burgess Hill Springtime Classic.

Avid readers of this blog (or those who have been really bored at work and have scrolled back that far) will know that I completed the classic route for this event last year in a silver medal time. Weather-permitting (and it looks good at the moment), I will be attempting to go one better in 2014 and make this a gold-medal run out. This needs an average speed of 27km/h however.

The course is suitably lumpy, but not too different to what I've been pedalling during the winter in the Surrey Downs:

This map fails to show the short but steep 20% Cob Lane. But it's in there!

My only dilemma now is whether the upturn in the weather conditions warrants me unsheathing the super-light Scott CR1 from it's gossamer / doeskin sleeping bag.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee,
    Me & 1 or 2 others will be venturing out as well... If you're on the start line for 08:45 we can start off as one 2013 Etape Team!
    Russellsmith1986@hotmail.com - email me your number & we'll get it organised. I'll wear the 2013 Rapha Etape jersey, shouldn't be too hard to spot.

    Gold time's in the bag irregardless of the weather! :)

