Wednesday 12 December 2012

Falling Back.

Only 1 turbo training session to speak of in the last week.

It feels like the Millennium Falcon flying towards the Death Star, and the dawning realisation of the occupants about the enormity of the task and just how under-equipped they suddenly are.

Off on holiday on Saturday, and don't get back until January. There is going to have to be a serious upping of my game then.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Getting quicker... but not on the bike

Knocked another 1min 10sec off my PB on my 7.5mile run home. I'm sure this has something to do with the max HR interval sessions I've been doing on the turbo trainer.

Have never tried interval training with any consistency before and so far I really like the results. It's nice to know that real measurable gains can be made in such short sessions (30-60mins)

Whether this translates to improved performance on the bike remains to be seen - there's a chance that I won't be cycling now until January

Saturday 1 December 2012

Too much, too soon

45 mins on the turbo trainer this morning. Meant to complete 5 max HR sprints but fatigue made me miscount and do 6. Nearly fainted when I climbed off the bike and had to spend a few minutes in the recovery position.

Perhaps I need to take it a bit easier and build up my fitness more slowly

Weight is 77.3kg. Let's see if I can keep it there through Christmas...