Thursday, 28 February 2013

Winter: Done

Tomorrow is the 1st March and therefore officially the beginning of spring. I look forward to the soaring temperatures.

Only a couple of turbo sessions to speak of this week, but the stats for February suggest that my training is moving in the right direction:

Time on bike: 19hrs 41mins
Distance cycled: 503km (361km on the road)
Total climbing: 3,830m
Weight: 76.4kg

Monday, 18 February 2013

Shut Up Legs

75 mins on the turbo trainer tonight in the company of the Sufferfest 'Hell Hath No Fury' video.

Legs didn't feel like they had any power in them after the weekend, so just ground it out as best I could - couldn't get near their suggested cadence.

Got through 35km though, which brings the total for the last three days to within a whisker of 200km, so I'm really happy with that effort. Will hopefully get a 3-lapper around Richmond Park in this weekend in preparation for my first sportif.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Tour de Surrey

2 consecutive days on the bike and 160km ridden.

Went down to Surrey with Jon on Saturday. Was really good to do this ride with company for a change, although I found out what it feels like to be dropped on a climb. He's got a lot of power when the road starts to ramp up, but at least watching him disappear into the distance did force me to spend longer out of the saddle than usual, so I'm sure I'll benefit from that. Eventually. Technique in that department has definitely improved.

Felt good on Ranmore and Box, but Crocknorth seemed a few degrees steeper than usual.

90kms / 1,238m climbed / 3 hrs 30 mins / 25.3km/h avg. speed

Got back on the bike this morning with the intention of doing a similar ride, albeit sans Jon. However thick fog once I got outside the M25 curtailed any forays deep into the Surrey downs, so I had to be content with 2 ascents of Box Hill. Times and effort were pretty undramatic, but it felt good to push myself on after the ride yesterday.

70kms / 910m climbed / 2 hrs 57 mins / 23.6km/h avg. speed

Saturday, 9 February 2013

A good week

1 turbo session, 2 trips to Richmond Park and a 7.5 mile run home added up to a good week training-wise.

Managed 130km on the bike, which included a good 3-lap TT around Richmond Park on Friday afternoon in a time of 67:30mins. Not bad with the cold and an 11km headwind from Roehampton to Richmond gate.

Got some morbid amusement from a huge herd of deer congregating next to the sign warning of the impending deer cull.

Today was a fun, but still pretty rapid 3 laps of RP with Emily. Couldn't help but notice that I spent far longer than her pulling on the front. Hmmmm....

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Round and round in circles

4 laps of Richmond Park this morning. Took it easy, but was still a battle against a strong headwind from Roehampton Gate to Cancellara Corner (Richmond Gate) - even the flats seemed like an alpine climb.

Some good work on my descending at Broomfield Wood hill, and managed to gun it up the climb from Kingston Gate on the big ring.

Reward came in the shape of espresso and croissant. How continental:

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Hitching a ride with the puncture fairy

3 Lap time trial effort this morning around Richmond Park in what appeared to be an off-pace time of 70mins 30 secs.

Mitigating this was the continuing twinge in my hamstring, cycling into a strong wind from Robin Hood Gate all the way to Richmond Gate, and another puncture. May need a change of tyre.

Didn't appreciate getting pushed against the outside of the corner at the bottom of Broomfield Hill by a London Dynamo group, causing me to brake while cornering at speed with no room to bail-out.

Some people need to remember that RP is a park, not a race track. All cyclists get annoyed by dangerous car drivers, but that's a bit hypocritical when cyclists are just as guilty.

Friday, 1 February 2013

T minus 1 month

4 weeks to my first sportive. An increase in training intensity is called for, especially as I've had a week off the bike to make sure my hamstring has recovered.

Stats for January:
Time on bike: 10hrs 19mins
Distance cycled: 270km
Total climbing: 2,231m
Weight: 76.5kg
Resting HR: 50bpm